
[ALRT] (3) [AR] (2) [BOM] (3) [GL] (2) [GTM] (1) [INV] (18) [MRP] (1) [OM] (27) [PO] (58) [QP] (3) [SYS] (39) [WIP] (4) AGIS (1) OM (1)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

[PO] Organization And Location At Requisitions Form, Where Can We Set The Default Value For Those?

Both values are default from the Employee setup. In Purchasing responsibility, navigate Setup -> Personnel -> Employees, click "More ..." button, move to "Assignment" tab, enter it at Location field.


To set concurrent program completion status, use FND_CONCURRENT.SET_COMPLETION_STATUS in your SQL file. However, will it work if your executable is PL/SQL package? Yes, it will still work but you need to define 2 extra parameters in your procedure (first 2).

Procedure XXX (errbuf VARCHAR2(100), retcode INTEGER, ...)

[PO] Matching Setting in Purchase Order Shipment Line

Invoice matching can be set in five different areas of Oracle Purchasing:
In the list below, a setting at any level will override the settings above it.

1. Oracle Purchasing Options
a. Navigate to: Setup > Organizations > Purchasing Options
b. Select Default Alternative Region

2. Supplier Information
a. Navigate to: Supply Base > Suppliers
b. Query on specific supplier
c. Click on Open
d. Select Receiving Alternative Region

3. Line Types
a. Navigate to: Setup > Purchasing > Line Types
b. In the Receipt Required field: Yes = 3-way, No = 2-way

4. Items
a. Navigate to: Items > Master Items
b. Query on specific item
c. Select Purchasing Alternative Region
d. In the Invoice Matching section: Yes = 3-way, No = 2-way

5. Purchase Order Shipments
a. Navigate to: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders
b. Enter (header and) line information
c. Click on Shipments button
d. Select More Alternative Region

Above notes are reproduced from Oracle Support Note:225630.1.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

[OM] Allocation Error During Transact Move Order

"Error: The material sourcing process failed to create picking suggestions for line 2 of move order number 59641464"

"APP-INV-05297: Invalid transaction and serial control combination"

Encountered the above error message after clicked on "Allocate" button in Transact Move Orders form. Even after I backordered the line, I could not proceed to Pick Release, failed Pick Release.

Root Cause: Item lot reserved for the order line is no more valid.
Action: Unreserve the invalid item lot, pick release, transact move order & ship confirm successfully.


An excerpt from a good Oracle Support note [ID 294391.1]:

Transaction Mode Number / Description

NULL or 1: Online Processing
2: Concurrent Processing
3: Background Processing
8: Internal Processing (Not visible in the pending transactions form)

Here is an explanation of each:

NULL or 1: Online Processing
Online processing is used by the Oracle Applications to immediately process records. This does not require that a concurrent program be run. The Transaction Manager does not process transactions marked for online processing.

2: Concurrent Processing
Transactions marked as concurrent transaction mode are processed by a dedicated transaction worker to explicitly process a set of transactions. The Transaction Manager does not process transactions marked for concurrent processing.

3: Background Processing
Interface transactions marked for Background processing will be picked up by the transaction manager polling process and assigned to a transaction worker. These transactions will not be processed unless the transaction manager is running.

8: Internal Processing
Transaction mode 8 is not a mode normally visible to the user as it is used for internal processing. Transactions with this mode are not visible in the Pending transactions form. Transaction_mode of 8 is used internally to identify if records came from the interface table to the pending table or came directly into the pending table.


In short, resetting of transaction_mode to 3 will allow Inventory Manager to reprocess the pending records

Sample SQL:

update mtl_material_transactions_temp
set process_flag = 'Y',
lock_flag = 'N',
transaction_mode = 3,
error_code = NULL,
error_explanation = NULL
where process_flag in ('Y','E');

[INV] Reservations Interface Manager

What does the "Reservations Interface Manager" program do? [Inventory]On-hand,Availability->Reservations Interface Manager

Similarly to Inventory Manager, Reservations Interface Manager processes the the interface records in MTL_RESERVATIONS_INTERFACE table into MTL_RESERVATIONS permanent table.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

[PO] Where to Setup Invoice Matching Option?

Setup -> Financial Option, Supply - Entry tab, Invoice Matching Option field.

Supply -> Sites, Control tab, Invoice Matching Option field.

(A Setting At Any Level Will Override The Settings Above It)

2 type of options available, Purchase Order / Receipt

[PO] R12 Purchasing Options

Setup -> Organizations -> Purchasing Options
In R11i, it is devided into 5 sections, "Receipt Accounting", "Control", "Default", "Internal Requisition", "Numbering" and "Tax Defaults".

In R12, (this form was converted to JSP format), only 4 sections available (some of the fields been merged), "Document Control", "Document Defaults ", "Receipt Accounting" and "Document Numbering".

New fields in R12:
Document Control
Security Hierarchy
Maximum Attachment Size
Email Attachment Filename
Enforce Supplier Hold
RFQ Required (from "Default" tab in R11i)

Document Defaults
Internal Requisition Order Type (from "Internal Requisition" tab in R11i)
Internal Requisition Order Source (from "Internal Requisition" tab in R11i)

Tax Defaults was removed from Purchasing Options. Need to confirm if it has been permanently removed or moved to other form.

Monday, January 3, 2011

[PO] Self-Billing Flag in PO table

How to know if a Purchase Order (PO) was created under supplier site with Self-Billing?

Not from front end. But check the PAY_ON_CODE field in PO.PO_HEADERS_ALL table. It should reflect "RECEIPT" value.

[PO] APP-PO-14376: Please enter a GL Date within an open purchasing period

You were trying to do Receiving. Once you navigate out of the Receipt Header form, the above message prompted. You have to open Purchasing Periodsunder Setup -> Control Purchasing Periods.

[PO] Can I Setup Only Document Total Rule in Approval Group

Yes. But in the Approval Assignment, you can only assign Blanket Purchase Agreement document type to that particular Approval Group. If you intend to assign other document type, e.g. Standard Purchase Order, you need at least another rule setup in Approval Group, which is Account Range.

[PO] Source Field in Purchase Requisition (PR) Screen Does Not Show "Supplier"

Make sure item is purchasable in the selected inventory organization.

[PO] BPA Price Break - Discount (%) field

It is a field to display percentage of discount applied to the new price compare to the very first price.

For example,
Break Price for line 1 = $100, line 2 = $80, line 3 = $70
Value for Discount (%) field fo line 1 = 0, line 3 = 20, line 3 = 30

[SYS] How to Revert My Start Page?

You have set the start page in Oracle Applications. On each successful login, it will brings you to the page. Now, you change your mind, you want to either disable the start page or change to other page. You could not get back to the HTML Preferences screen, as the start page will bring you directly to the specific Oracle form.

Ans: At any responsibilities, navigate Edit -> Preferences -> Profiles, query Profile Name "Applications Start page", change or remove the "User Value".

[PO] Missing Purchase Order (PO) Distribution After RTV - FIXED

With reference back to my problem logged to Metalink TAR, it was fixed after applied patch 4463796.
This patch upgrade the version of PAPOUTLB.pls to Eventhough Project Accounting is not used, but this patch works.

How to check PAPOUTLB.pls version?

SELECT fi.file_id
FROM apps.ad_files fi, apps.ad_file_versions ve
AND ve.file_id = fi.file_id
AND REPLACE(version, '.','') =
(SELECT MAX(TO_NUMBER(REPLACE(version, '.', '')))
FROM apps.ad_file_versions ven
WHERE ven.file_id = fi.file_id);