Assuming I'm the buyer for a Purchase Order ABCD123. The PO was approved some time back. Today, I found out that the Approval Status get changed to "In Process". I did not make any changes to the PO, why it happened? When i looked at the Action History, last action shown was "Change requested", Performed By is blank. What is the next action?
"Change requested" is updated to action history if supplier performed changes of PO in I-Supplier and request for change (approval). A notification will be generated (can find it in WF_NOTIFICATIONS table, PO number appeared in Subject) and sent to buyer. The next action is pending for buyer to approve or reject. If buyer approve it, changes will be permanent and approval status will change back to "Approved". If buyer reject it, changes will be ignore and approval status change back to "Approved". Action in the Action history get updated with Accept or Reject, Performed By is buyer's name.
Very important subject discussed, thanks so much have printed it out!Purchase Order Request Form